The show's purpose is to enable, inspire, and facilitate the creation of affordable places to live that are socially and ecologically connected, and co-designed with the people who live there

If we know better, we can do better

Around the world, housing is a challenge--it is plagued with problems of unaffordability, of insufficient homes for local people, lack of diversity in housing typology, sprawl, low-quality unhealthy homes, rental insecurity, construction waste, and more…

A regenerative and collaborative approach is needed. 

With this platform and network, we can change the narrative and mobilize role players and citizens to advocate for and develop housing and neighbourhoods that are places of belonging, while also providing solutions that address some of the biggest challenges of our time.

This show aims to fill the void in knowledge, highlight what is working well, and empower people with access to information and to a network of change makers.

We're looking for guests and sponsors


We are looking for people advancing this kaupapa and have a great policy, initiative, method, organisation, case study, development that we can learn from, make use of, explore further.

Guests could be a: housing policy or planning professional, for-purpose developer, bank or impact investor, place-maker, social housing provider, house builder or materials supplier, co-housing or ecovillage project leader, community engagement professional, etc.


We’re inviting you to partner with us for a win-win outcome of raising awareness of your business or organisation while supporting this important kaupapa. 

Sponsorship is very important as it allows Zola, the show producer, to ensure that the show is consistently offered, edited to great quality, to be useful as an educational resource, and to be well publicised thereby reaching more people to be empowered with inspiring stories and useful resources.

See how we can work together.